Emotobooks – a revolution in the making

Emotobooks are a completely new concept – so new, in fact, that there are only a limited number of titles available in this format to date.  Taking the thoughts of the characters at peak and trough moments in the given story line, talented digital illustrators have translated those emotions into visualisations to draw the reader in closer to develop a real relationship with those whose feelings are depicted in this manner.

The orchestrator behind the concept is a publishing outfit entitled Grit City Publications, also the title of the first series available as a digital book in the Emotobook format; issues 1-6 are available below, with Issue 7 in the pipeline, as per the solemn promise of series author Ron Gavalik.

They are on sale exclusively through amazon but don’t worry – you don’t have to own a kindle to read them.  There are apps available from amazon that will convert kindle into almost any format, a detailed list is available on zebedeerox.com.

I was going to use zebedeerox.com as the main outlet for this genre, but then though: hey, up – you’ve done nothing with What a kindle day for a long while – it could do with an injection of readership.

So here’s the thing – you can either go through this link to read more about: Emotobooks or open up the darrelldoo4emotobooks a-store to get direct access and buy them securely through Amazon – it is a .co.uk a-store, but as they’re in digital format there’s no issue, there.  If, however, you’re looking for an excuse to buy a Kindle device and think that this is it, remember to switch to the country of residence once you’re on the amazon platform if you’re outside the UK!

Grit City Publications may also be the platform for the long-awaited debut novel of Jerald Larson, The Seed, if appraisals for Billy came continue to flood in as they are.

Grit City Emotobook series

Grit City 1 Grit City 2 Grit City 3Grit City 4Grit City 5Grit City 6– Grit City 7 – to be announced!

Other series available through darelldoo4emotobooks until I can get the images uploaded here.

Praise for Jerald Larson and Billy came by two published authors:

Marian Allen – “Wow–this is WILD! This is the first bit I’ve read. Are you going to pull these together and publish them, or leave them serialized here?”

Emily Guido – “Love this entry! Brilliant really! I’m a vamp gal! Take care and I’m following you to read more! Thanks, Emily”

Why not check out the short vampire story or the new digital book?  Billy came is a free read; the Grit City productions are not free but very competitively priced.

Please, enjoy, comment, share.

Zebedeerox. x

What A Kindle Day: Nothin’ will ever change me

What A Kindle Day: Nothin’ will ever change me.

via What A Kindle Day: Nothin’ will ever change me.

Just to add a bit of content and background to Thet Watson, really.

And to test out the share facility from Blogger – that’s cool, it works – and you can even choose which blog under your main WP domain name you can publish the WordPress share widget on.

A little post attached that takes me back to days of yore, when everything was possible, we were going to be mods for life and Makin’ Time, we were sure, would have a number one hit some day soon.

That’s the halcyon vision of mid-teens and a disillusionment at a curricular system in the UK that was failing even then, and we were at a good school.

Still, if anyone ever tells you that your school days are the best of your life, listen to every word they say – they’re not so far off the mark.